Year 3 Semester 1 

The introductory clinical Course is a 4 week period at the beginning of Year 3. During this time, you will learn how to take focused histories and perform examinations of the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and neurological systems. You will also learn key clinical skills such as performing ECGs, measuring blood sugar levels as well as how to scrub for your time in theatres. By the end of the ICC, you will also have undertaken your first DOES assessment of Year 3 which is a focussed history. This block you will cover a range of specialties including Cardiology, Elderly Care, Respiratory, General Surgery (hernias, lumps, and bumps), and Vascular. You will encounter a range of clinical experiences including outpatient clinics, cath lab, theatres, and ward rounds. These will be supported by bedside teaching, tutorials, and clinical skills sessions.


This is a general calendar for all students